It’s Just Lunch

How do you spend your lunchtime?

Many distributors and sales reps think lunch is a great time to eat a sandwich at their desk and catch up on their work. In my view, this is an incredibly bad use of the potentially most valuable part of your day.

We are all in the relationship business. Lunch is a great opportunity to create new relationships and grow existing relationships. Let me encourage you to make a list of all the people with whom you would like to create or grow relationships:

  • Prospective customers
  • Existing customers
  • Referral sources
  • Mentors and advisors
  • Valued suppliers
  • Key employees

My guess is that you could easily create a list of 50 to 100 such folks. Once you have your list, take a few moments to prioritize the list. Have a goal of sharing lunch with at least two to three people from your list every week. You will easily fill your calendar. If someone says they’re too busy to go out to lunch, offer to bring lunch to them.

If you want to grow your business—if you want to grow your success—it’s time to grow your relationships. A few lunches a week could have an amazing impact on your business and success.

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